Wednesday, 28 January 2015


“ I can barely survive on what I earn,” “I have no money to save or invest,” are two of the most common excuses people make when it comes to building wealth. They earn so little compared to their expenses that before the month ends they are already broke and in debt, with the cycle going on and on....

However all hope is not lost. I want you to know that no matter your income you can free up some money that can be put to use working for you. Consider these ten tips:

Cut spending on internet subscription plans on your smartphones or at least one of them if you are only using it for chatting or social purposes. Switch on this capability when you are in a free wifi location like the office.

Review your Cable TV subscription. Now is not the time to be spending on the premium bouquet if you are a man. You can subscribe instead to the lower bouquet, which show key matches/highlights later. Going for a lower bouquet could fetch a whopping N100,000 in savings in a year.

Monday, 19 January 2015

2015 – Beyond doom & gloom lie possibilities & opportunities

am glad to announce to you that 2015 is not a peculiar year, not by any standards. In 2015 many economic analysts have predicted chaos, doom and gloom with regards to the challenges facing Africa and the rest of the world. Terrorism threats, wars, falling oil prices, economic crisis, job losses are all signs that the citizens of many countries are in for hard times.
The good news is that whatever the experts predicted for this year was not so much different from what was predicted last year, or the year before. The experts tend to approach every New Year with cautious optimism because they cannot be a hundred percent certain how it would play out. The reason 2015 is not peculiar is because many fortunes will be made and lost this year, just like in previous years. You can choose whether to be on the winning or the losing side.

Tuesday, 13 January 2015


 Everyone loves a good “rags to riches” story. There’s nothing better than to hear that someone who was languishing in extreme poverty had the good fortune to turn things around by creating wealth. Deep down in many hearts we love these stories because we also yearn for the day our own rags to riches life story becomes reality. We wish we were the ones who made the transition.
Yearnings and wishing tends to give us the notion that these rags to riches stories happen suddenly, literally overnight. You lie down a pauper and wake up a billionaire! No one has the distinction of becoming wealthy this way! This is because between rags and riches are several doors you need to unlock. You will require several keys…..

Thursday, 8 January 2015


Words matter. Words are powerful. They seem to attract a powerful force that ensures that what is said ends up happening and occurring around you. Words used constructively and creatively literally changes situations and turns lives around.

In 2015 you cannot afford not to harness the power of words in your finances as you intend to grow wealth. I am very sure you have set new goals; but have you considered harnessing the power of words by confessing and affirming your goals will help you achieve them more certainly? This is because you eventually become what you say.

My charge to you today is to use affirmations as part of your strategy to create wealth in 2015. This might be one of the reasons results have not been forthcoming in your journey to wealth and riches. You desire wealth but you speak lack, poverty and want most times. Here are some affirmations you should commit to declaring everyday of your life in 2015...

I am wealthy, I am rich and I am successful. I receive wealth generating ideas that I can convert to money in the marketplace. I receive wisdom, insight and knowledge in order to be able to run with these ideas and see them to a successful fruition.

In 2015 I am favoured and preferred and I attract the right people, helpers who will assist and support me in the achievement of my financial goals. I am surrounded by people who want to do me good financially.

I begin to progress and make strides forward financially. My earnings begin to grow and multiply into thousands and millions. I receive a renewed mindset to put my money to work and avoid the pitfalls of wasting money by spending everything I earn on fruitless pursuits.

My blossoming bank balance and wealth position will not cause me to jettison and sacrifice current relationships that I hold dear. My positive ethos, creed and values will remain the same notwithstanding my financial position.

I distance myself from every greedy and hoarding mindset and mentality as I commit myself to using part of my wealth to helping others. As I grow financially I do everything I can to also help others to grow financially.

I recognise money as a tool meant to be multiplied and under my control. I am master over money, money is not my master. Money or the lack of it does not determine my emotions, moods and feelings.

My strategy for wealth creation is not to hustle. I do not hustle; rather I identify needs and actively seek for ways to meet them. I am not desperate, looking for money by all means. Rather I am content with what I have and put it to good use to gain more.

2015 comes with its peculiar challenges and may portend gloom and doom for many but I am exempted. I will walk in plenty and more than enough this year. I will not borrow to meet my bills and living expenses. I meet all my financial obligations with adequate resources as they fall due.
2015 will be my best year ever financially.

Take these affirmations and run with them consistently and constantly in 2015. Ensure you take them and affirm them at least twice daily, just like good medicine. For just as tablets taken improve your health, affirmations will improve your finances.

I am looking forward to toasting to your new found financial success in 2015!

Monday, 5 January 2015


Investing is perhaps one of the most important words in the lexicon of the wealthy. This is because investing represents the process or activities whereby the rich deploy their financial resources to produces significant returns for them. Their resources are gainfully engaged-in many diverse productive ventures that amass wealth in the long run.
I have discovered that everyone wants to invest some portion of their resources productively; they just do not know how to. I meet people who tell me that they have some funds kept aside, or they can access a loan facility but they do not know what to do with it. They seem to be more on the lookout for whom to entrust with the responsibility of making their money grow while they relax. You cannot grow wealthy by leaving all your investment decisions to others to make for you. It is in your best interest to have a firm grasp on investing; it is your capital after all.
The basic guide to investing comprises of the following rules: