If there’s one thing that I wish that I could have, own and
control in this economy, it would be a Commercial Bank. Owning a bank opens one
up to a whole load of opportunities and possibilities when you are in the
business of providing finance to people.
Now banks exist to provide people with financial products
and services in order for them to meet their goals. Giving loans is just one of
the services they provide. Loans stimulate the economy because access to
finance helps business ventures thrive.
Now the reason for my headline above is not to scare you
away from taking loans, rather it is to ensure that you consider several things
before you decide to finally take a loan. Have you ever wondered why most loans
require you to commence payment immediately, even without a grace period? Loans
signify a period of servitude to the financial institution so you might as well
ensure you have all the bases covered before taking the plunge.