The word bonus evokes happy thoughts and feelings among
workers whenever it is to be paid. This is because it is extra income. Bonuses
are additional entitlements employees earn aside from their normal salary and
allowances. In other words bonuses equate to more money coming in.
Now there are different types of bonuses, the commonest of
which are Performance bonuses, paid out after performance appraisals at the end
of the Company’s financial year; and Thirteenth month Year-end bonuses, usually
an additional month’s salary paid in December. Bonuses vary from organization
to organization, and depend on what is stated in your employment contract.
Most employees tend to see these bonus payments as
additional spending money, meant to be ploughed into meeting your living
expenses. Nothing can be further from the truth. Bonuses rather, are meant to
be invested into profitable ventures that can generate wealth.
Your bonus is a lump sum of money, paid in addition to your
monthly entitlement. Don’t mix your bonus with salary and proceed to spend all
on your living. This strategy will not lead to wealth. Bonuses should be added
to what you have saved for investment and correspondingly deployed.