Wealth unfortunately is not some kind of intangible that one
can just wish for and voila it arrives at your door! It is the outcome of
obeying several laws, rules and principles one of which is preparation.
Preparation is the key to attaining any heights of success and achievement and
wealth. The adage is true that if you fail to prepare then be prepared to fail.
Dear reader, I know you desire great wealth, fame and
fortune but have you prepared for it? The reason you do not control major
resources is because you have not developed yourself to the level required to
manage great wealth. The knowledge, passion, commitment and drive needed to
control thousands is not the same as that required for controlling millions and
billions. This is why our efforts to become wealthy ends in stress and
frustration, we do not have what it takes and we seem not to bother about this
fact, instead preferring to hope and pray that against all odds hopefully one
day we will wake up wealthy. Sadly this day will never come.
Preparation is an on-going, never ending process of
acquiring the necessary information, tips, skills and strategies required to
progress in life. Life is a series of continuous tests and trials which we will
have to overcome in order to get the desired outcomes. These tests cannot be
overcome if we don’t prepare as many are wont to do; so they end up failing and
retaking the tests thus remaining at the same level. Nobody wants this outcome
so the onus is on us to prepare thoroughly so as to overcome.
In the case of wealth we must prepare by undertaking the
We must study materials on wealth – how to build and sustain
it. The truth is that you cannot acquire much of what you do not understand. I
know you want to be wealthy so how many books on money and finances have you
read this year? How many biographies of the wealthy have you studied? People’s
secrets are in their stories, you need to know what they know in order to get
the results they are getting. Preparation entails deep, continuous and
sustained study, reflection and meditation for wealth to grow and thrive.
Secondly preparation is no good and ineffective if we do not
apply what we know in our environment, or sphere of influence. It is only when
we apply what we know that results are generated. It is not knowledge that
brings results rather it is applied knowledge that does. This is the highest
part of preparation where we learn by doing. This learning curve has failure
pitfalls along the way; but these experiences make us better off in the long
run. You must commit to applying what you have studied until you begin to see
the expected results.
It is also imperative as we prepare for wealth that we work
on our minds and attitudes with respect to dealing with failure and negative
outcomes. Failure is not final but it is inevitable. You will at some point in
time fail. The good news is that it is the wealthy who have failed the most
because they continue to make attempts to apply what they know. The poor on the
other hand are afraid of failing so they don’t even make an attempt or get
going. As a result the wealthy through experience know what works and thus
apply it to build wealth.
Goals are the fuel for every great achievement, wealth or
otherwise. While preparing for wealth one must set goals to propel you towards
their attainment, and not dwell or depend on whims and wishes. According to
Brian Tracy those who have written goals are 90% more likely to accomplish them
than those who have their goals in their heart. Set goals, develop action
plans, implement them, monitor your progress and make adjustments where
necessary within the time frame and you will succeed financially. How much
would you like to have? How soon would you like to have it? Where do you see
yourself in the near future? These and many other questions must be answered
when they are clearly spelt out in your goals.
Fifthly it is extremely important as you prepare for wealth
to surround yourself with the right people who share similar ideals and values.
Iron sharpeneth iron and from time to time you will get discouraged and feel
like throwing in the towel. Those who are around you can really help you
overturn downtimes and downturns. The time is right to do an audit of every
relationship around you whether it is a pillar, that is supporting and making
you better; or a caterpillar, destroying everything you have been trying to
build. Bond with the pillars and dispense with every caterpillar in your life.
Finally preparing for wealth means taking the benefits of
time into consideration. The wealthy differ from those who lack majorly in how
both sets of people use their time. The wealthy involve themselves into
activities where they invest their time, while the poor waste theirs. Time is
too important a resource to let lie fallow or go to waste. We must learn from
the rich their value systems regarding time and the
importance of using it wisely. Invested time guarantees returns, while wasted
time cannot be recovered.
Wealth does not come by accident, and even if it does it can
easily be wasted and squandered away by the unprepared. The time has come to
commence preparations to acquire wealth. It is a known fact that you will much
better handle what you have prepared for. Get your preparations into top gear
for wealth and very soon it will answer to you!
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