Gbesenomics is a term I coined from two words, “Gbese” which
is the Yoruba word for debt and “economics,” the study pertaining to the
production, distribution, and use of income and wealth. Thus gbesenomics can be
said to be the science of using debt to produce income and wealth.
I make bold to declare to you today that one cannot become
extremely wealthy and successful financially without debt. In all my years of
studying the success patterns of billionaires I have discovered that not one
was able to invest in substantial business opportunities or to expand their
businesses without debt. They are avid students of gbesenomics and have built
great fortunes using it.
Sadly those living in poverty and lack, may also be in debt but they have been unable to harness
it to good use in their financial lives. There is a science to it. Here are ten
key facts you should know about debt.
Firstly, debt is not a bad thing. What makes debt bad is
when you get involved for the wrong reasons. For instance getting into debt to
buy clothing for family events and investing in other frivolities is wrong.
However there is nothing bad about getting into debt to purchase an asset that
will yield more for you or appreciate, such as land. The major issue is what
you are investing in. In fact debt is the rich man’s best friend for he uses it
to attain his goals.