In Africa today many reasons can be adduced why most people
live far below their financial potential. One of the most painful reasons is
that people neglect to harness their talents – gifts and capabilities! They are
sometimes so busy admiring or envying what others have they fail to see that
what they have is equally good. Making the best use of your talents is
extremely important if you want to be financially successful.
Talent, simply defined refers to those innate abilities that
seem to have been inputted in you when you were born. It is a special, natural
ability or aptitude for doing something exceptionally well. It was deposited in
you by the Creator at birth and is synonymous with gifts, traits and
attributes. The good news is that everybody on this earth is gifted and
talented in one thing or the other.
Talents manifest themselves in things you love to do. These
are the things you do easily, without stress where your abilities are easily
expressed or demonstrated. Talents are like flags or signs pointing out where
your wealth is lying fallow because it is meant to be exchanged for wealth and
fortune. For example someone with a good voice can use his or her voice to
produce wealth by waxing records, or producing radio jingles of which he or she
can expect to be paid.
The process of creating wealth with your talents starts with
discovery – either by self or by the observations and inputs of others. Have
you discovered what your talents are?
You need to sit down and do a self-assessment of what you are good at.
Even if you are not sure ask those whose opinions have weight with you what
they think. Naturally you will be good at several things but in one or two
areas you will be far better than many others. Do what you need to do to
discover what it is.
Now that you have discovered your gifts you need to commit
to polishing and developing it so that it can produce for you. Invest heavily
in developing your gifts to the highest standards available. It is in this
process that you will learn how to convert your gifts into wealth as you
succeed in deploying it. The more you develop your gifts and talents the more
it can be converted into wealth and prosperity for you.
Third, you need to trade your talents. You will remain poor
as long as you do not offer your talents in the marketplace of life. Talents
are one of the things you can easily exchange for money but you must act by
taking steps to trade. This could include telling people in your network,
volunteering to use your gifts for free, and other related activities. By all
means write that book, record that album, create that recipe, bake that cake,
design those clothes, trade the produce of your talents.
You also need to persist at it. Having talents is not a
guarantee that people will automatically fall over themselves to procure your
goods and services. You must keep at it and not give up. Sooner or later if you
persist people will beat a path to where you are requesting for your gifts and
wealth becomes inevitable.
Consider standup comedy. In Nigeria there was no comedy
industry twenty years ago. Today many comedians have sprung up who are taking
the continent by storm. These were talented people who used to make their
friends and loved ones happy without expecting anything in return until they
discovered the potentials in comedy and the rest is history. They have indeed
traded their talents and it has brought wealth, fame and
fortune to many of them.
The world is constantly on the lookout for talented people.
Recently Forbes Magazine named former professional basket ballerMichael Jordan
as the richest sportsman, and the first sportsman to have a net worth of One
Billion Dollars. Michael was extremely talented in sport, but he was also
talented in doing business as well hence his success. He has been able to trade
his talents productively thus producing wealth and fortune.
Surely there is a place for your talents, you need to find
it. Stop complaining that you don’t have money or that things are not working
for you when you have not discovered, developed and traded your talents. God
gave you these talents to use in chasing poverty away from your life. Put them
to good use and poverty will be a thing of the past. The worst thing in life is
to waste your talents.
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